Meals & Foodstuffs
November 2, 2020

Ghinger not only bridges the gap of accessibility of health services without much effort but equally helps health professionals reach out to large number of clients who do not hav the luxury of visiting clinic regularly.

Ghinger Features

Personal Doctor

Get a personal Doctor on Ghinger where you can book phone or video consultation directly.



You can always book a video consulation appointment with either your personal Doctor or any health specialist you wish


Order all your prescribed medications on Ghinger. Relax and we deliver to a place of your choice

Lab Request

Request for a lab service and our health facility will book that request. We can come for samples and test results delivered.


Request for a home care service where we have Doctors or nurses coming to your home to take care of you when you cannot visit a Hospital

You can always book a phone consulation appointment with either your personal Doctor or any health specialist you wish

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